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New Story!
Thursday, 7/26/2012
New Story Coming Soon!

I will be uploading a one shot called "Our Different Lives" and it's going to be hopefully...okay. Sorry about the horrible poster, I haven't touched photoshop in over several years so it may look bleh, but oh wells! Stay tuned for more information, thank you!

Behind Her Mask Updates
, 6/21/2012
I have finally finished Behind Her Mask: Mask One! It features Gillian and Changmin, woop! I decided to go with a sad approach, since I've been reading a lot of sad stories. This one shot was influenced by one of the recent stories I've read, so if you find similarities, that's why!

Anyways, I won't be updating Behind Her Mask for a while but I have began writing Jaejoong's one shot but I won't prioritize it since I really want to finish Impossible To Forget first. Wish me luck and please do continue to support my stories!

Here's a scene from Behind Her Mask: Mask One

Changmin smiled to himself. She was finally opening up. When the group left, Changmin took it upon himself and offered to walk her home. While walking home, he noticed Gillian had stop talked and turned around to find a camera pointing in his direction. "What are you doing?" Changmin asked.

"Filming" Gillian answered while focusing her camera on Changmin.

"I thought you don't film humans." Changmin countered.

"I don't film things I hate." Gillian answered causing Changmin to form a huge grin on his face.

I hope you enjoyed that little scene. Go check it out!

Here's a little sneak peek of what I'm writing for Jaejoong's part.

Drip. Drip.
She continued to fight back but we could tell that she was about to give in. The blood slowly dripped from her forehead and I heard her breathing hardly, she couldn't control her breath.

"Are you going to tell us now?" I asked her once more. She averted my eyes so I used force on her chin to make her look directly into my eyes. I could tell she was scared out of her wits now. Her eyes were full of anger, passion, fear, and for some reason, I thought I saw a speck of love in her eyes. I decided to ask her again, "Who sent you?"

She managed to curl her lips into a smirk. "No one. I came on my own." Tch. It's such a shame to see such potential go to waste. She just lost her chance, I reached my patience. While wiping my hands, I nodded at my right hand man, signalling him to kill her off.

Haha, I don't want to reveal too much! Hopefully that caught your attention! :)

Sneak Peek @ Behind Her Mask
Wednesday, 6/20/2012
Gillian Chung ft DBSK is by far one of my favorite group to write about, it's a shame that I haven't completed any stories for them.

Well, Behind Her Mask, is a collection of one shots featuring Gillian and each of the different hunks. The five one shots have nothing to do with the title but after I'm done with the one shots, I will end it with a short story that has something to do with the actual title. I hope that makes sense? Yes? I don't even have viewers on here...oh wells! It's okay. Please do drop by and say hi!

Starring Gillian Chung and DBSK (The Original Five)

Brief Summaries: N/A
Author's Note: The reason I don't have a summary yet is because I have yet to actually think about what kind of stories I have to write. Therefore, these one shots will probably be written on a whim, hopefully they won't be all over the place. I hope you guys enjoy! And yes, my poster making skills have decreased, I haven't made a poster in over several months now haha.

NEWS: Chapter four of Impossible To Forget is out! I am also in the current process of writing chapter five!